Saturday, December 31, 2011

STOP SOPA Our constitutional rights are threatened and NOT for National security purposes

As many of you know a bill has been purposed to Congress "SOPA"(Stop online piracy act). The video i posted above explains the whole story. We've got to do everything we possibly can to stop it. Our rights as Americans given to us by our forefathers starting with the declaration of independence that led to the constitution which held bill of rights is being threatened. If we don't take a stand now we could loose a lot more than rights to karaoke and post it. Which its not just us America that needs to protest this bill, i'm talkin to you guys in the UK, Europe, etc. as well and Mike mentions a perfect example on the video of someone in the UK. The monopolies, that are supposedly not monopolies are some of the greater supporters and its just not right.
I know just as much as many others do especially the ones that studied post world war one about you have to restrict rights to increase security but how is arresting your fellow people for downloading something or even linking to something protecting the security of anyone in this country all they are doing is lining they're pockets.
How can they pass a law like this and make it where people have to be a lawyer to figure out something like fair use and not get arrested if they wanted to promote a video, song etc. I know when ever i'd watch a video or movie trailer and hear a song i want to try to find the song that goes to it which you'd think they would like that idea and not pass something like that but either way they are getting they're money and they prefer suing 8 year olds that probably never heard of copyright outside of the notice that comes on before a movie. If you support this bill you might as well be supporting the removal of Youtube, Facebook, Fanpop, in general any sight where you post or tweet or share any information whether it be a video of what your pet did and the tv so happened to be on when it happened or whatever, no sing alongs without writing a letter of approval, no parody's, you name it we could loose it believe me if this bill is past its only the beginning.
I've been working on video editing for several years now as a sort of hobby and without at least enough of a song to say fair use with i couldn't of gotten as good as I've gotten and i hope they will contribute to my portfolio, i have a classmate that thought my latest creation that was a book genre trailer for my creative writing class was a real movie and  BELIEVE ME that took practice. Also i have got one more example before i close of how downloading something for the pure purpose of using copyrighted material for fair use purposes. In technology classes across the country teenagers are learning about fair use and copyright laws through the use of videos posted on Youtube. Why are these companies targeting us the people when they do it on occasion in the movies and have to bail themselves out for it or rather a better question would be WHY DO THEY SET US UP?
send Mike Mozarts video to your local government official spread the word and don't hesitate any and everyone can help

preferably in a nonviolent approach "The Pen is Mightier than the sword" 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

Cowboys & Aliens poster
A couple of weeks ago i went to the theater and saw Cowboys vs Aliens. It was great i really enjoyed it i couldn't help but think of the old John Wayne movies and westerns like it. Daniel Craig played the role magnificently as did Harrison Ford. It was an all star cast in my opinion. It was like westerns like John Wayne's and Gary Cooper's meets Independence day. Vary well done and great special effects. Pretty good comic relief as well. Harrison Ford played a character like John Wayne's many characters if Mr. Wayne was still alive today i bet he would have done the role. It's got action start to finish. If you aren't planning to see it cause you think the plot is cheesy your really missing out i hope to see it a second time in theaters personally i like the experience of the dark movie house to watch a movie than in front of a TV tho even i will occasionally just wait till video on some things too. Craig had a more classic traditional cowboy stetson hat verses the popular 'ten gallon' stetson that's sported in the movies. 
To close i shall say
"That was how the west Truly was one"

Happy Birthday Lucille Ball!!!

As you know Lucille Ball's birthday was a few weeks ago. So i thought i'd wish her a Happy birthday better late than never. No one shall ever forget her she made one of the biggest marks on Hollywood. With her unforgettable brand of comedy. One of my favorite episodes of 'I Love Lucy' was the one where Lucy and Ethel got jobs as candy makers and Fred and Ricky were house wives for a day. I also liked the episode 'the Blackeye' that one was great i wish i knew if that book Lucy was reading was a real story i wanted to hear the rest of it. "Finder's readers, loosers go watch television" i love that quote, i wonder if i'll ever get to use it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Legacy of Horror

This is a video created strictly for entertainment purposes and should fall under 'fair use'
using a few clips from Universal's popular monster movies i put together a little MV towards the end adding some of my own things i created for my portfolio.
This is my FGT 2011 entry i think its pretty good its purely to entertain and possibly intrigue new generations to the fantastic world of classic horror movies the ones that paved the way for horror movies that we know to this day 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

James Arness may he Rest in peace

i know i haven't been writing on this blog religiously i haven't gotten the hang of it yet but i had to post today for several reasons one of them being i'm going to the beach boys concert tonight which i'll write on later the reason for this blog post is much more serious.
Everybody knows or at least has herd of 'Gunsmoke'  right?
James Arness as Matt Dillon
Well I've got bad news tho its probably known by now since this is day 2 its been out in the media. The famous main character 'Matt Dillon' aka James Arness.
has past away. He made great strives in the world of movie and TV but mostly TV. 'Gunsmoke' is the longest run TV show in history and in reruns its been going pretty good too. He was 88 when he died natural causes in his Brentwood home in Los Angeles, California. James Arness was a hero to many generations and will continue to live on in all of us through his legacy especially in the old movie, western and TV buffs like myself. 

Did you know he also did a few horror movies in his career. he played the thing in 'the thing from another world' film and if i say so myself he played the role magnificently.
That film was one that scared me as a child and i'm watching it now. 
The art of the week i posted on this same post is dedicated to his role as the thing. he also did the film called THEM!. it was a great film as well it is more impressive than if you just read the plot summary. James Arness you will be deeply missed by all. May you have a happy afterlife in that big prairie in the sky where you will be reunited with the rest of the cast from 'Gunsmoke' as well as many other fellow western stars.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Okay folks you can figure out what this post is about. This past weekend the hit feature horror film Scream 4 was released to theaters and it was quite a big turn out but before i get into my experience and the film itself lets take a look at the saga itself.

Brilliant writer/director Wes Craven whom brought to us A nightmare on elm street, Shocker, the people under the stairs, the serpent and the rainbow, etc.
brought the horror world a new genre of horror one never before seen 
such an iconic film that got Wes more popular than ever. 
Combining the slasher flick with a comedic edge.
By the way did anyone see his cameo in that?
The film quickly brought in success to the box office with its twisted ending and dramatic characters, and of course bending the rules of horror.
the success brought to us a sequel that brought in just as much success if not more 
Scream 2
Sidney is now in college trying to deal with the trauma that was brought on in high school, constantly hounded by the press and Cotton Weary and practically stalked by one reporter that is not Gale Weathers whom has deeply grown close to officer Dewie.
Things seem normal when tragedy strikes again CiCi (played by Sarah Michele Gellar) is thrown off of the balcony and Sidney begins getting the mysterious phone calls once again.
Again a similar but still surprising twist ending brought on the same bent rules in the begining are bent even more not to mention the rules of squeals was bent as well.
And the excited response that brought this one to us brought on yet another great film.
Scream 3 
Sidney has basically disappeared shes not in woodsboro nobody really knows where she is except Cotton, Gale and Dewy.
The film takes place on the set of STAB 3. When the cast of the production are being taken out it seems the killer doesn't desire the film to go into production. the film begins digging deep into the past that is Sidney's mother. 
The film was filled with thrills of comedy and horror  with an even more twisted ending than before 
And now i shall finally come in to the Scream that this response is about.
Scream 4 
Wes definitely took his time on the script with this one i'm sure most of you fellow fans were almost in disbelief that it was going to happen considering the way the rumor was going around about it after 3 came out it sounded like it was going to come out the following year. Which anyone thats seen Wes Craven's New Nightmare knows he takes his time. 
Now on the base of the actual movie i'll start with a summary and go from there
Sidney finally comes back to Woodsboro as an end to her book tour and big surprise she arrives back on the anniversary of the murders. But this time it appears Sidney isn't the target with this one it seems the target is her teenage cousin Jill.
Now the rules have changed the rules followed are the rules for remakes everyone is vulnerable for attack. 
Now the murders are filmed and uploaded to the internet the question is who shall survive.

Okay my critique on the film now
I loved the beginning great twisted beginning. It was good and solid as expected for the Screams.
great ending great middle blablabla.
one thing Emma Roberts sucked she really can't act at all what so ever not even the talented veteran cast could make her look good. Really only the original cast, Hayden and that actor with the webcam mounted to his head   were any count. But besides the bad acting the film was great and i tell you it had a great response i had one of the best movie theater experiences i ever had the theater was packed for the first time in a while. The crowd reacted just like they talk about the crowd used to react when the classics were show'd i hope many more experiences like that i shall definitely go see it again. one thing i must say though is its mostly a comedy and the language isn't too good and its very unrealistic.
So basically the film is 4 1/2 stars from me which is pretty good for my standards.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Video clip

this is a little vid i put together combining Marvels army with the US Army theme

sketch of the day

Lon Chaney Jr. original
Lon Chaney Jr sketch


Hello all this my first post i guess i should start by introducing myself.
I'm a some what successful high school student taking a lot of different classes relating to the arts. Up till this year i was in the band but an injury cut my career short anyways
book cover concept still in early stages
I'm a new comer in writing during National Novel Writing Month i wrote a novel called the Wolf Man which is still in the early stages as far as editing. Its based on the Curt Siodmak 1941 screenplay for my favorite film the Wolf Man.
When i graduate i plan to go into the very field this blog is to hopefully be about The entertainment field . Movies has always been a great passion of mine. I've seen almost all of the John Wayne movies (that have been discovered in the vault) from an early age I loved him in True Grit Rooster is probably one of my favorite characters of all time and then theres Mclintock! a classic one of the funniest films to date. 
the Mud scene, stair scene and of course the finale are hilarious. I'll never forget it. The Three god fathers is another of the Duke's i love to death tho its hard to catch on tv, if you haven't seen it you should check it out some time. In harms way,stagecoach,the man who shot liberty Valence, Big Jake,Rio Bravo,the searchers,el Dorado,etc.  all excellent.
Theres this one picture that sticks out in my brain but i can never think of the title starring the duke. Hes a pilot on a commercial airline and they have to make a emergency landing. Theres a boy waiting to meet his parents on the voyage and they have to throw out the luggage and i think some one shoots one of the engines but i'm not positive because i've seen a lot of airplane disaster movies One of them had Eddie Albert in it.
Next to the duke my favorite actor is Lon Chaney Jr. I've seen just about all of his movies my favorites being the Wolf Man,the indestructible man,Spider baby,Of Mice and Men, Son of Dracula, High Noon..
One thing about Chaney thats always fascinated me was his eyes. Through them he expressed so much
he could show Larry's desperation and grief in one of the most sincere ways and then he could also show humor. Whatever was going on his intense look could show so much. 
Speaking of intense looks Béla Lugosi had one truly hypnotizing 

glare and no i'm not meaning that as a pun because he 

played Count Dracula.  

He could do some intense glares he show'd great 

emotion in his cameo in

the Wolf Man and in White Zombie one of his independent 

film he shared some of the same

stares as in Dracula.

Boris Karloff was one with an intense stare as well

Zita Johann once said in an interview for a documentary about the Mummy "his eyes were like 

two shattered mirrors" You see his intense emotion filled glares in all off his films in Frankenstein, the Bride of Frankenstein they revealed so much about the monster. Which makes it one of his best. One of my personal favorites is the ape. i loved him as doctor Adrian. 

he Chaney and Lugosi were not only great in the horror department they also made some 

great comedy. 

Karloff in the Raven with Vincent Price and Pete Lorre, Lugosi in My son the Vampire with 

British actor Arther Lucan Who can forget Abbott and Costello meets Frankenstein starring 

Chaney, Lugosi, and Glenn Strange with Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.

then theres the TV show appearances they did like route 66 where Lorre Chaney and Karloff 


Another great actor i must add to the mix is Claude Rains he was a genius in his roles as well.

a great theater actor that went on to make great films.

Who'd of thought he made a poor test reel that was working against him actually helped him nail 

the role for the invisible man which pretty much gave him more opportunities as an actor.

like when he starred in the Wolf Man with Chaney and when he did that short scene a night in 

Casablanca. One thing about Rains performance in the invisible man i must say  cracked me up 

was his distinctive laughter

I think i'll end my first blog with the invisible man and a fairwell please feel free to comment i'd like to know how i did and what i could work on

this clip should fall under fair use under copy right along with everything else that is to appear on 

this blog and everything is strictly for entertainment and teaching purposes