Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Legacy of Horror

This is a video created strictly for entertainment purposes and should fall under 'fair use'
using a few clips from Universal's popular monster movies i put together a little MV towards the end adding some of my own things i created for my portfolio.
This is my FGT 2011 entry i think its pretty good its purely to entertain and possibly intrigue new generations to the fantastic world of classic horror movies the ones that paved the way for horror movies that we know to this day 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

James Arness may he Rest in peace

i know i haven't been writing on this blog religiously i haven't gotten the hang of it yet but i had to post today for several reasons one of them being i'm going to the beach boys concert tonight which i'll write on later the reason for this blog post is much more serious.
Everybody knows or at least has herd of 'Gunsmoke'  right?
James Arness as Matt Dillon
Well I've got bad news tho its probably known by now since this is day 2 its been out in the media. The famous main character 'Matt Dillon' aka James Arness.
has past away. He made great strives in the world of movie and TV but mostly TV. 'Gunsmoke' is the longest run TV show in history and in reruns its been going pretty good too. He was 88 when he died natural causes in his Brentwood home in Los Angeles, California. James Arness was a hero to many generations and will continue to live on in all of us through his legacy especially in the old movie, western and TV buffs like myself. 

Did you know he also did a few horror movies in his career. he played the thing in 'the thing from another world' film and if i say so myself he played the role magnificently.
That film was one that scared me as a child and i'm watching it now. 
The art of the week i posted on this same post is dedicated to his role as the thing. he also did the film called THEM!. it was a great film as well it is more impressive than if you just read the plot summary. James Arness you will be deeply missed by all. May you have a happy afterlife in that big prairie in the sky where you will be reunited with the rest of the cast from 'Gunsmoke' as well as many other fellow western stars.