Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

Cowboys & Aliens poster
A couple of weeks ago i went to the theater and saw Cowboys vs Aliens. It was great i really enjoyed it i couldn't help but think of the old John Wayne movies and westerns like it. Daniel Craig played the role magnificently as did Harrison Ford. It was an all star cast in my opinion. It was like westerns like John Wayne's and Gary Cooper's meets Independence day. Vary well done and great special effects. Pretty good comic relief as well. Harrison Ford played a character like John Wayne's many characters if Mr. Wayne was still alive today i bet he would have done the role. It's got action start to finish. If you aren't planning to see it cause you think the plot is cheesy your really missing out i hope to see it a second time in theaters personally i like the experience of the dark movie house to watch a movie than in front of a TV tho even i will occasionally just wait till video on some things too. Craig had a more classic traditional cowboy stetson hat verses the popular 'ten gallon' stetson that's sported in the movies. 
To close i shall say
"That was how the west Truly was one"

Happy Birthday Lucille Ball!!!

As you know Lucille Ball's birthday was a few weeks ago. So i thought i'd wish her a Happy birthday better late than never. No one shall ever forget her she made one of the biggest marks on Hollywood. With her unforgettable brand of comedy. One of my favorite episodes of 'I Love Lucy' was the one where Lucy and Ethel got jobs as candy makers and Fred and Ricky were house wives for a day. I also liked the episode 'the Blackeye' that one was great i wish i knew if that book Lucy was reading was a real story i wanted to hear the rest of it. "Finder's readers, loosers go watch television" i love that quote, i wonder if i'll ever get to use it.